
Uncategorized Archives — Page 24 of 27 — Farms for Sale Saskatchewan - Ranch, Farm Land for Sale | Ted Cawkwell Archive

Ted’s RE/MAX World Ranking!

A big congratulations to Ted on being ranked the #23 RE/MAX Commercial Realtor in the world for…

Ag Fact!

Ag Fact!

Expected warm fall eases harvest worries

Despite snowfall around Calgary and some localized frost in parts of Alberta and Saskatchewan last week,…

Ag Facts!

Sask Crop Report

For the Period August 18 to 24, 2015 One year ago Two per cent of the…

Wheat and Canola Production down in 2015 according to Stats Can.

REGINA — Production of wheat and canola crops is expected to drop this year from 2014…

Ted’s Canada ranking

Congratulations Ted on being the #5 RE/MAX Commercial Realtor in Canada for January-June 2015!

Ted’s RE/MAX World Ranking

A big congratulations to Ted on being ranked the #21 RE/MAX Commercial Realtor in the world for…