
Farm News

Why Canada’s Food Industry May be More Valuable Than Oil

Watch video at: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/video/video-inside-the-market-jeff-rubin-on/article24564149/

Charity Fishing Event!

A congratulations to everyone involved with Ted in putting on the 9th Annual Fishing Forever Event…

Sask Report May 12-18th

For the Period May 12 to 18, 2015 Dry weather this past week allowed producers to…

Consultations on Farmland Ownership are Now Open

SURVEY Consultations on farmland ownership now open By Alison Squires The details of consultations regarding the…

Sask Employment Rate April

According to the Statistics Canada Labour Force Survey during the week covering April 12th to 18th,…

Sask Crop Report May 5th-11th

For the Period May 5 to 11, 2015 Significant seeding progress was made this past week….

Joke of the Week!

One day a salesman stopped by the Jammer Jones farm, knocked, and Jammer’s wife Frannie came…

Sask Crop Report April 28-May 4

For the Period April 28 to May 4, 2015 Fourteen per cent of the 2015 crop…

canada goose

Goose stakes claim sending plans a fowl!

The Canada goose looks out on a sea of green from her perch atop a pile…