Real Estate

Grain Quarter in the RM of Hazel Dell

MLS: SK996811
Total Asking Price: $299,000
Area: RM of Hazel Dell #335
Type of Property: Grain
This grain quarter is in the RM of Hazel Dell #335. The soil classification is a G, and there are 75 acres of productive land. There is good all-season road access to the land. There is a 48” by 96” Butler slant wall shed with cement pony walls and a dirt floor. This land is available to farm for the 2025 crop year.


147.26 Total Acres (ISC), 75 Cultivated Acres (Seller), 50 Native Grass Acres (Seller), 22 Wetland/Bush Acres (SAMA), 114,600 Farmland Only Assessed Value (SAMA), $2030.42 Per Total Acre (ISC), $3986.67 Per Cultivated Acre (Seller), 2.6 times the Assessed Value, Crop Insurance Soil rating is G

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For further information please contact (306) 986-7253 or kim@cawkwellgroup.com