
Provincial Auditor and Farm Land Security Board Part 2

I had sent out a newsletter yesterday about the provincial auditor’s suggestions for the Farm Land Security Board. I have had 2 people reach out to me and tell me that they know of people that own land that do not meet the provincial requirements.

I have to humbly say that I have been a little naïve about this. I thought that because I worked in the industry every day that I would see this happening, if it was happening. Although I have never seen this firsthand, it appears that some people have slipped through the cracks at the Farm Land Security Board.

This is a very hot topic and one that we will undoubtedly be hearing more about in the days, weeks and months to come.

What do you think the solution for this issue looks like?
I was contacted yesterday by Global News TV to speak about the new issue. Below is the link to the interview.

Click HERE

Have an amazing day!


Ted is always happy to meet new people and to explore new opportunities. He is your expert in the field!

Feel free to call 1-306-986-7255 or email ted@cawkwellgroup.com

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