Crop Report

Sask Crop Report

GovOne year ago
Thanks to warm and dry weather, 89 per cent of the 2014 crop had been combined. High levels of fusarium head blight damage was being reported in most of the province. Warm and relatively dry weather earlier in the week allowed many producers to return to the field. Ninety-one per cent of the 2015 crop is now combined, up from 84 per cent last week. The five-year (2010-2014) average for this time of year is 93 per cent combined, according to Saskatchewan Agriculture’s weekly Crop Report.

Regionally, producers in the southwest are furthest advanced, having 96 per cent of the crop combined. Producers in the southeast have 95 per cent combined. Eighty-eight per cent of the crop is combined in the west-central and northwest regions; 87 per cent in the east-central region and 83 per cent in the northeast.

Ninety-five per cent of the durum, 93 per cent of the barley, 91 per cent of the spring wheat, 89 per cent of the canola, 85 per cent of the soybeans, 78 per cent of the chickpeas, 63 per cent of the canary seed and 61 per cent of the flax have been combined.

Rainfall this past week ranged from trace amounts to just over an inch in some areas of the province. Provincially, topsoil moisture conditions on cropland are rated as 10 per cent surplus, 84 per cent adequate, five per cent short and one per cent very short. Hay land and pasture topsoil moisture conditions are rated as four per cent surplus, 83 per cent adequate, 11 per cent short and two per cent very short.

Strong winds blew remaining swaths around and shelled out some standing crops over the weekend.

Livestock producers are indicating they have adequate amounts of hay, straw, greenfeed and feed grain for their winter feeding supplies.

The Ministry of Agriculture has a Forage, Feed and Custom Service listing for producers to advertise and source feed products. It is available at: www.agriculture.gov.sk.ca/FeedForageListing

Farmers are busy harvesting and completing fall work.